Welcome to the Minitutor Blog

Let's talk about you for a minute.
This blog is a place for us in Minitutor to write directly to you. You! We feel like we already know you, even though we probably don’t. Perhaps you are a mom with an iPad who takes pride in curating fun educational apps for your children. Maybe you are a teacher who has discovered the learning potential in serious games or seen your students’ faces light up when they play video games. Or perhaps you are someone completely else. One thing we know for sure, is that you are interested in the same thing that we are: great educational games.
In Minitutor, we believe that optimal learning and understanding happens when children interact, collaborate and understand together with others. We want parents to be an active part of their children's learning, but we realize that time often trumps intention. That is why we seek a middle ground by creating apps that can be used by the child alone or in the company of a grown-up.
Kids are creative, chaotic and sometimes uncontrollable. In everything we do, we will aim to include and support that creativity and urge to investigate. We believe that kids who create and engage in the world around them will have fuller lives, happier thoughts and be more whole individuals throughout their lives. These are some of the things we think about when we design children’s entertainment.
Now that you know a bit more about us, we would love to learn more about you. How do you use educational games? Why do you like them? Does anything about learning games frustrate you? Write us an e-mail to info@minitutor.dk. We probably need your help in testing out some of our future apps :-)
Written by Minitutor Team